AMCON Distributing Company Common StockLive Price

$183.54 USD
December 20, 2024, 11:25 pm UTC Add to Watchlist Create Price Alert

AMCON Distributing Company Common Stock (DIT) - Live Price

AMCON Distributing Company Common Stock

AMCON Distributing Co. engages in distribution of consumer products. Its products include cigarettes & tobacco products, candy & other confectionery, beverages, food service, groceries, paper products, automotive, health and beauty care products. The firm operates through the following business segments: Wholesale Distribution and Retail Health Food. The Wholesale Distribution segment distributes consumer products in the central, rocky mountain, and southern regions of the U.S. It also provides a range of programs and services to assist customers in managing their business and profitability. The Retail Health Food segment operates twenty two health food retail stores located throughout the Midwest and Florida. The company was founded in 1986 and is headquartered in Omaha, NE.

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How Many People are employed by AMCON Distributing Co.?

How are AMCON Distributing Company Common Stock divided?

Approximately 80.05% of AMCON Distributing Company Common Stock are owned by individual stakeholders. Mutual Funds actively invest in AMCON Distributing Co., controlling roughly 5.96% of all AMCON Distributing Company Common Stock.

  • Individual Stakeholders: 80.05%
  • Mutual Fund: 5.96%
  • Other Institutions: 0.00%

How much is AMCON Distributing Company Common Stock stock worth?

AMCON Distributing Company Common Stock (DIT) is worth $183.54 USD as of December 20, 2024, 11:25 pm UTC time.
View the interactive graph to see how much AMCON Distributing Company Common Stock has changed in the last hour or historically.

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