Top Renewable Energy Stock List

Verdasi displays a list of the most popular Renewable Energy Stocks with their latest price information. We provide coverage for Renewable Energy Stocks across NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX, and TSX(V) exchanges. Select a company to view their company profile and historic intraday stock prices.

What Are Renewable Energy Stocks?

Energy stocks are a division of companies in the stock market that deal with the production and supply of renewable energy. Renewable energy companies are typically in contrast to Oil and Gas companies. The sector also includes those firms exploring, developing, drilling, and refining fossils fuel reserves such as oil and gas.  Integrated power utility firms dealing with coal and renewable energy also fall under the energy industry.

The energy sector is a broad category that encompasses an inter-related and complex network of firms that directly or indirectly produce and distribute energy. The industry produces and transports fuel and electricity that drive global economies.

Types of Energy Stocks

The energy stocks exist in different categories according to the type of energy that the companies deal with.

Renewable energy stocks

These are stocks from companies that generate electricity from renewable sources like geothermal, hydroelectric, solar, and wind.

Oil and Gas 

Within this subcategory are companies that directly or indirectly deal with petroleum products, oil, gasoline, natural gas, diesel, and heating oil.

Pipeline and Refining

The companies under this subcategory mainly deal with the transportation of mined natural gas and oil to refinery plants. These firms are known as mid-stream providers.


These companies mainly carry out the refining of gas and oil into certain chemicals. But some major oil producers incorporate both production of oil and refining the chemicals.

The energy prices, together with the revenue performance of industry players, are mainly dependent on the global supply and demand of energy. During periods of high prices, the oil and gas producers often reap big. But generally, the energy firms will earn less when energy commodity prices reduce.

On the contrary, oil refiners tend to benefit when feedstocks crude oil prices needed to produce petroleum-based products reduce.

Choice of Stocks To Invest In Energy Sector

The energy sector is one of the broadest in the stock markets, giving investors a wide class of investment opportunities. Some of these include exchange-traded funds (ETFs),  mutual funds, commodity purchases, and equities.

ETFs are a larger basket comprising other investment opportunities like stocks. Mutual funds are investment portfolios created and managed by portfolio managers.

Retail investors can choose the section of the EFTs they'd like to invest in if they have multiple funds. The choice of investment in the energy sector will mainly depend on investor's preferences and views on the growth and revenue prospects of the companies of interest.

Generally, the energy sector is more extensive than oil and gas. Most investors tend to prefer alternative and renewable energy sources because they believe these will be key players in the future. That logic is especially backed by the fact that electric vehicles are beginning to pick up in most parts of the world.

Investing in Energy Stocks

The energy sector is a tricky one for most investors, particularly the oil and gas firms. Since energy prices change in a fraction of a second, it can significantly impact the sector and global economy as a whole. The scenario became evident in 2020 when most governments shut down the economies, causing a reduced demand in pricing.

The downturn came with a massive impact on the oil company stock prices, causing some to file for bankruptcy. Due to the high volatility of commodity prices and the effects on the energy sector, it's crucial to understand how to make investments in energy stocks.

Some of the inves

Realtime Stock Market Prices generated at: 10:19 pm. Click into a stock for real-time price changes.
Stock / ETF View Realtime Pricing
Innergex Renewable Energy Inc. (INE)
$0.00 USD
Live INE Price
Northland Power Inc. (NPI)
$0.00 USD
Live NPI Price
Polaris Infrastructure Inc. (PIF)
$0.00 USD
Live PIF Price
TransAlta Renewables Inc. (RNW)
$0.00 USD
Live RNW Price

Why is investing in renewable energy stocks so popular?

The energy sector is a major global economic driver. These two are tightly coupled such that some financial analysts use natural gas and crude oil values to measure the global economy.

The industry is rapidly changing, though. While it was initially composed of oil and gas companies, the renewable energy firms are also quickly joining the wagon. With the advent of clean energy, more compelling investment opportunities come into play with the potential to produce above-average benefits in the long run.

Even though the energy industry is one of the most volatile, it offers excellent investment opportunities to those who know how it works. That's why it isn't surprising to see many investors, both seasoned and budding, expressing interest in energy stocks.   

Why Invest in Energy Stocks?

Whether non-renewable or renewable, energy will always have demand. Despite the high volatility, energy stocks present lucrative investment opportunities for those with patience. And a better approach to go about would be to look at the crude oil-related energy sources without forgetting the clean sources. 

If you're looking for a profitable way to earn from investing in the stock market, here are the reasons why you should consider energy stocks.

The Market Size is Enormous

The energy sector has an estimated global value of $7 trillion, making it the most valuable stock market segment. By looking at the top-earning companies on the global markets, you'll notice that nine out of ten firms are in the energy sector.

Since energy is a basic necessity for growth, it generates higher revenue than other industries in the stock market. As such, the energy stock presents a prime investment spot for long-term investors.

Great Growth Potential

The global energy demand will grow by over 30% as of 2035, the International Energy Agency estimates. Two-thirds of the expected growth will come from the Middle East, India, and China. It's also estimated that the oil demand shall have reached 100 million barrels per day, increasing from 89 million barrels per day. The growth is forecast to be due to the rising number of vehicles on the road to reach 1.7 billion.

The estimated growth will also push oil prices to $125 a barrel. Electricity demand is also forecast to grow to cause prices to rise by 15% exponentially by 2035.

Broad Diversity

When energy stocks are in question, often what comes to mind is oil and gas. But the truth is that the sector is so massive that it comprises a wide array of markets. Nuclear energy, natural gas, oil, petroleum products, and coal are just the tip of the iceberg of the sector's offering.

Easy to read

With the energy stocks, you'll never have to worry about knowing when gas or oil prices are about to rise or decrease. By following the energy sector closely, you'll figure out that gas prices will shoot up when the crude oil prices take a hike. 

Plus, there are many insights available everywhere on the web to get started with energy stock investment.

What percentage of my portfolio should be energy stocks?

There is no fixed investment amount when building your portfolio in any market. But the key secret to making a successful venture is diversifying your portfolio. Without diversification, you stand higher risks of losing your investments.

Say, for instance, if the demand for natural gas, gasoline, or renewable energy decrease, those without diversified portfolios stand a higher chance of scooping losses in your holdings. But with diversification, any blow in these sectors will receive a soft landing in your portfolio.