Top Mining Stock Prices

Verdasi displays a list of the most popular Mining Stocks with their latest price information. We provide coverage for Mining Stocks across NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX, and TSX(V) exchanges. Select a company to view their company profile and historic intraday stock prices.

What Are Mining Stocks?

The mining industry prides itself as one of the biggest because almost every traded commodity started with mining some raw materials buried underground. This sector has enormous popularity among investors due to its steady production of industrial-use compounds and other materials. A mining firm will carry out surveys, explorations, extraction, and processing of the deposits. Some of the deposits include iron ore, aluminum, lithium, nickel, cobalt, zinc, copper, and more.

The minerals are not limited to industrial-grade metal compounds but include precious substances like gold, silver, platinum, and diamond. Construction materials like crushed stone, limestone, and sand are also part of this broad mining category.  The industry also extends to include energy materials like bitumen, uranium, and coal.

Any company that deals with the mining of these substances will provide its shares to the stock markets. The shares from such firms are what is referred to as mining stocks.

What are The Types of Mining Stocks?

Mining stocks fall into the seniors and juniors. Any company with a rich history in the industry, global operations, and steady revenue flow is a senior. They're more or less like the large oil companies and share similar metrics with only a slight twist. Senior mining stocks are easier to evaluate, and most investors will find them more favorable to deal with.

Junior mining stocks do not have a global outreach, often have capital constraints, shorter history, and high optimism for future returns. These are new or starting companies looking for new precious metal deposits. They're low cap firms with a market capitalization below $500 million with daily trading volumes trailing under 70,000. Due to these reasons, junior mining stocks tend to be riskier.

Valuation of Senior and Junior Mining Stocks

Despite having their differences, these mining stocks share a unifying factor that makes the industry stand out; the business model relies on mining all assets in the ground.  Both categories don't have a way of determining how rich a deposit is, only until it's completely mined. As such, mining stock value relies on its reserves' market value.

Feasibility studies can determine the value of reserves by analyzing the estimated deposit grade and size then balancing it against the difficulties and costs of mining. A reserve is feasible if the extraction costs are lower than the revenue generated in the market.

How many mining stocks are there?

The leading industry players are the senior mining companies. Currently, there are about 50 major mining stocks globally. The junior mining companies are the largest in number, with over 3,000 junior mining stocks, with new ones emerging almost every day. Even though the mining industry has a global outreach, the majority of the junior firms are in Canada. Other countries also produce several other junior players as well as senior ones.

The most dominant senior mining stocks include BHP, Glencore, AngloAmerican, and Rio. These companies dominate the markets in terms of market cap and revenue.

Glencore is UK and Swiss-based, BHP from the UK, Rio Tinto from Australia. AngloAmerican is UK-based. Apart from these firms, several Chinese firms also have a big say in the mining stocks. These include China MinMetals Corp, China Shenhua Energy, Yanzhou Coal Mining, and many others.

Realtime Stock Market Prices generated at: 10:52 pm. Click into a stock for real-time price changes.
Stock / ETF View Realtime Pricing
Alliance Resource Partners L.P. Common Units representing Limited (ARLP)
$20.91 USD
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Hallador Energy Company Common Stock (HNRG)
$7.53 USD
Live HNRG Price
Ramaco Resources Inc. Common Stock (METC)
$8.40 USD
Live METC Price
Alpha Metallurgical Resources Inc. Common Stock (AMR)
$139.86 USD
Live AMR Price
Arch Resources Inc. Class A Common Stock (ARCH)
$119.62 USD
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BHP Group PlcSponsored ADR (BBL)
$64.18 USD
Live BBL Price
Peabody Energy Corporation Common Stock (BTU)
$22.18 USD
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Natural Resource Partners LP Limited Partnership (NRP)
$49.50 USD
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Almonty Industries Inc. (AII)
$0.00 USD
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Altius Minerals Corporation (ALS)
$0.00 USD
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Almaden Minerals Ltd. (AMM)
$0.00 USD
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Avalon Advanced Materials Inc. (AVL)
$0.00 USD
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Euromax Resources Ltd. (EOX)
$0.00 USD
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Globex Mining Enterprises Inc. (GMX)
$0.00 USD
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Horizonte Minerals Plc. (HZM)
$0.00 USD
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Karnalyte Resources Inc. (KRN)
$0.00 USD
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Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. (NDM)
$0.00 USD
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Orbit Garant Drilling Inc. (OGD)
$0.00 USD
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Orocobre Limited (ORL)
$0.00 USD
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Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. (SBB)
$0.00 USD
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Why is Investing in Mining Stocks Popular?

Investing in mining stocks presents investors with an excellent opportunity to contribute to the world's most important economic sector. This participation allows the investors to reap massive profits. However, understanding the nuances that the mining sector has and finding a better way of investing.

Through the history of stock investment, you'll realize that most investors are switching to the practice of investing in a haven – precious metals. During political turmoil and economic distress, mining stocks become a safer way for investors to cushion themselves against losses.

If getting started with mining stocks, you can gain plenty of exposure by owning a piece of the mining industry companies. These firms outshined the larger stock market by a great extent in the year 2020. As such, it's worth considering mining stocks as a great investment opportunity.

How Risky are The Mining Stocks?

The risks of mining stock investment involve both the senior and junior mining companies. Before jumping right into the investment process, it's worth knowing the different types of risks and how you can mitigate them.

The Political Risks

The mining sector stands as one of the most extensive, with coverage in almost every country on earth. As such, it's prone to face different regulations on foreign property ownership, mining claims, and more. Even though some countries rarely change their laws, some have high legal system volatility rates.

Even if a company owns rich reserves, has sufficient capital, and a ready market, the political environment can deem mining impossible. Therefore, it will be a matter of what level of political risk investors are willing to take.

Company Management Risks

Every company, at some level, has to undergo management changes. However, mining companies tend to experience more troubles in management.

The mining process takes time; therefore, it's a long-term business venture. Any poor management activities will take time to manifest and harder to undo. The major mining companies can seek financing from the markets through stocks, but the junior firms will face harsher effects from poor management. 

Price Fluctuations

If a long-term price decline occurs, the major mining companies can utilize their capital to finance their activities before scaling down their operations. On the other hand, the junior firms may never have the capacity to absorb the changes. Some may end up closing their doors, declaring bankruptcy, and such.

Therefore, it's vital to look at the market prices in the long run and how likely they are to change. If the market seems promising, investors can take a chance to invest in junior mining stocks. Otherwise, the best approach would be to work with the major companies.

Why Invest in Mining Stocks?

The junior mining firms will rarely mine a reserve to depletion. Instead, they'll sell the remains to the major companies to continue the process. As such, the junior firms are usually an exploration pipeline for the major firms.

Therefore, investment risks with junior mining stocks are undoubtedly higher. But juniors are popular with the speculative strategy. So why should you entrust your money to them? Often, bigger risks also attract massive rewards.  Most junior companies fail in their endeavors, but also, there is a higher demand for those that turn to be successful.

Stabilized Industry

One reason to invest in mining stocks is that the mining industry is one of the most established, with ventures as old as 100 years. That means there are well-developed patterns and trends that investors can rely on to predict and forecast the market