ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. Common StockLive Price
$21.42 USDMarch 31, 2025, 12:35 pm UTC Add to Watchlist Create Price Alert
ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. Common Stock (ACAD) - Live Price

ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. Common Stock
ACADIA Pharmaceuticals, Inc. operates as a biopharmaceutical company. It focuses on the development and commercialization of medicines to address unmet medical needs in central nervous system, or CNS, disorders. The firm's products include Nuplazid, which is used for the treatment of hallucinations and delusions associated with Parkinson's disease psychosis. The company was founded by Mark R. Brann on July 16, 1993 and is headquartered in San Diego, CA.
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Setup ACAD Price AlertsHow are ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. Common Stock divided?
Approximately 32.57% of ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. Common Stock are owned by individual stakeholders. Mutual Funds actively invest in , controlling roughly 35.14% of all ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. Common Stock.
- Individual Stakeholders: 32.57%
- Mutual Fund: 35.14%
- Other Institutions: 0.00%
How much is ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. Common Stock stock worth?
ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. Common Stock (ACAD) is worth $21.42 USD as of March 31, 2025, 12:35 pm UTC time.
View the interactive graph to see how much ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. Common Stock has changed in the last hour or historically.
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