BHP Group PlcSponsored ADRLive Price

$64.18 USD
December 26, 2024, 4:40 pm UTC Add to Watchlist Create Price Alert

BHP Group PlcSponsored ADR (BBL) - Live Price

BHP Group PlcSponsored ADR

BHP Group PlcSponsored ADR (BBL), formerly known as BHP Billiton, is a global mining, oil, and gas company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. The company operates through various segments such as Petroleum, Copper, Iron Ore, and Coal. BHP Billiton's portfolio includes some of the world's largest and most valuable resources, including the Olympic Dam mine in Australia, the Escondida mine in Chile, and the Mad Dog offshore oil field in the Gulf of Mexico. Founded in 1906, BHP Group PlcSponsored ADR (BBL) is a well-established player in the industry, known for its focus on sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. The company's stock, BBL, is traded on the New York Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange, providing investors with a diverse range of investment opportunities. As one of the largest and most diverse resource companies in the world, BHP Group PlcSponsored ADR (BBL) offers potential for both growth and stability in the global resources sector.

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How Many People are employed by BHP Group Plc?

How are BHP Group PlcSponsored ADR divided?

Mutual Funds actively invest in BHP Group Plc, controlling roughly 0.61% of all BHP Group PlcSponsored ADR.

  • Individual Stakeholders: 0.00%
  • Mutual Fund: 0.61%
  • Other Institutions: 0.00%

How much is BHP Group PlcSponsored ADR stock worth?

BHP Group PlcSponsored ADR (BBL) is worth $64.18 USD as of December 26, 2024, 4:40 pm UTC time.
View the interactive graph to see how much BHP Group PlcSponsored ADR has changed in the last hour or historically.

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